How to Donate
Let's support the family and remain a constant presence in the lives of young people,
while also extending our love and encouragement to those who require it.

The Modesty Love Legacy
Today's young people face a range of challenges that they often keep to themselves. As caring adults, it's our responsibility to be there for them and let them know that we care. We don't need to be perfect; we just need to be available when they feel like talking or need support. Through The Love Legacy, our goal is to bring these young people together at events where they can enjoy life without the stress of their daily struggles, even if it's just for a moment. We also want to recognize their accomplishments by giving awards and gifts to show our support. Ultimately, we want to celebrate the power of love and gift giving.
Gift cards make for great supportive gifts for the family and for The Love Legacy Program.
GoFundMe makes for a great platform to continue support.