Artwork fees are required for new business card orders. Make sure to purchase this item for each different design that you need done with this level of complexity. Confirm with us at 913-912-3447 by text by sending a picture of your design or letting us know what you have in mind to confirm which fee will cover the setup fees for your new design.
To send your logo/images to us for your business card, send an email to modesty@elitedesigskc.com and referece your full name and order number after completing your order. Send emails with wording, images, design samples, logos and files necessary to create your cusom order.
BASIC Includes:
Name, Phone number, one (1) image
PREMIUM Includes:
Name, Phone number, one (1) image, a few items to describe services
ADVANCED Includes:
Name, Phone number, three (3) to five (5) images, a few items to descibe services
SEE LOGO DESIGN if you would like for us to design a logo for you.
Artwork fees are required for every design that is needed for new FAITH orders. (Resellers)
Confirm with us at 913-912-3447 by text by sending a picture of your design to confirm the setup fees for your new design.
(Vector Art Requests)
We do vector provided images and logos. Confirm with us at 913-912-3447 by text by sending a picture of your design to confirm what will cover the fees for vectoring your image.
Business Card Artwork Fee
No Refunds once orders are started.